Những cấu trúc thường gặp trong TOEFL

Người học và thực hành ngữ pháp TOEFL thường chú ý đến những cấu trúc sau đây:

1. Cấu trúc song song (parallel structures): adjective, adjective and adjective; noun, noun and noun, etc… (Hints: and, or, but)

     Example: You know that her answer sounds good, meaningful and interest. (Incorrect)

                      You know that her answer sounds good, meaningful and interesting. (Correct)

2. Cấu trúc rút gọn trong mệnh đề quan hệ (Past participle (V3/ed) or Present participle (V-ing) in reduced relative clause)

     Example: The man was arrested by the police yesterday used to visit my house. (Incorrect)

                      The man arrested by the police yesterday used to visit my house. (Correct)

3. Subject and verb agreement (Subject before a preposition)

     Example: Many messages of support was received by our leader. (Incorrect)

                      Many messages of support were received by our leader. (Correct)

4. Cấu trúc: to be + adverb + adjective/past participle

     Example 1: It was completely difference from how I had imagined it. (Incorrect)

                         It was completely different from how I had imagined it. (Correct)

     Example 2: Public anger at this abuse of power is entire justification. (Incorrect)

                         Public anger at this abuse of power is entirely justified. (Correct)

Nguyễn Thanh Khương
Giáo viên Tiếng Anh – Trường Quốc tế Á Châu