Trang chủ»Giáo dục»Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

How to use adverbs in a sentence

1. An adverb tells us more about a verb, an adjective or an adverb. First figure out where they go in a sentence, and then learn a few key rules to help point you in the right direction. (Một trạng từ cho chúng ta biết thêm về một động từ, bổ nghĩa cho một tính từ hay một trạng từ khác. Đầu tiên, hãy tìm ra vị trí chúng trong câu, và sau đó tìm hiểu một vài quy tắc quan trọng để giúp bạn sử dụng trạng từ đúng cách.)


* They always walk quickly. - How do they walk? “quickly” modifies the verb “walk”

* She was a very sad girl. – “Very” tells you to what degree the girl was sad, not a little, not a moderate amount, but extremely sad. => “Very” modifies the adjective “sad”

* She walked extremely quickly. - In this sentence, “extremely” and “quickly” are both adverbs. => “Extremely” modifies the adverb “quickly,” and “quickly” modifies the verb “walked”

* Unexpectedly, the dog was outside. - If you add an adverb at the beginning, the meaning shifts a little. These adverbs are followed by a comma. => “Unexpectedly” introduces a sentence.

* She ate pie. However, she regretted it. / She ate pie; however, she regretted it. => “However” connects two independent clauses. In English, we call the adverb like “however” a conjunctive adverb.

2. Here are some rules to remember. (Sau đây là một số quy tắc cần nhớ)

a. How to form an adverb of manner
- Adjective + ly
She opened the letter nervously.
- Adjectives ending in -y »» -ily
They shouted at the naughty kids angrily.
- Adjectives ending in -le »» -ly
The children did their math homework terribly / badly.
He was capably supported by his friends.
- Adjectives ending in -ic »» -ically
He is learning how to think scientifically. He is looking for a scientific solution to the problem.
- Adjectives ending in -ly
friendly/ lively/ lovely/ lonely/ silly (adj) => in a friendly/ lively/ lovely/ lonely/ silly + way/ manner (adv)

b. Irregular forms:
good => well; low => low; fast => fast; straight => straight; hard => hard; extra => extra
early => early; long => long; doubtless => doubtless

c. Double forms (with different meanings)
hard => hard, hardly = barely
near => near, nearly = almost
late => late, lately = recently
high => high, highly = very

d. No adverb after state verbs such as be (am, is, are, was, were, will be, …), seem, get, turn, grow, sound, feel, taste, become, smell, remain, stay, look (in the meaning of look like), etc.


Trần Văn Long
Giáo viên Tiếng Anh – Trường Quốc tế Á Châu

SIU Review - số 138

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