Trang chủ»Giáo dục»Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

Useful collocations about education - Những cụm từ hữu dụng về giáo dục

1. To work your way through university: vừa làm vừa học
→ Peter has had to work his way through university; thus, he barely has free time.

2. Tuition fees: học phí
→ In order to pay for the tuition fees, I have been doing many part-time jobs.

3. To keep up with your studies: bắt kịp chương trình học, không bị rớt môn
→ If you want to keep up with my studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study.

4. To fall behind with your studies: thua sút bạn bè trong việc học
→ Sara spent most of her time on going out rather than studying, which caused her to fall behind with her studies, thus she failed the exam.

5. Distance learning: học từ xa, học trực tuyến
→ One benefit of taking distance learning course is the timetable will be flexible, which means you can study whenever and wherever you want.

6. To learn something by heart: học thuộc lòng
→ The course requires me to learn a lot of things by heart, which is quite hard for me.

7. State school: trường công lập
→ Because my budget is limited, then getting a scholarship and going to state school is a great idea.

8. Private school: trường dân lập
→ A private school usually offers good educational facilities compared to a public school.

9. Higher education: giáo dục đại học, giáo dục bậc cao
→ Lisa moved to America with the purpose of continuing her higher education.

10. To sit an exam: làm kiểm tra
→ The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful, because I need to stay up all night.

11. To attend classes: đến lớp
→ In order to pass the final exam, it is suggested that you should attend to all of the classes.

12. Face to face classes: lớp học tương tác trực tiếp
→ When you take part in a face to face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately.

13. To take a year out: gián đoạn 1 năm học
→ Before going to the university, I decided to take a year out to travel to some countries.

14. Graduation ceremony: lễ tốt nghiệp
→ A graduation ceremony is one of the most important days in a student life.

15. Gain/ obtain knowledge: tích luỹ kiến thức
→ Taking academic course will help students to gain a great deal of knowledge.

16. Contribute to society: đóng góp cho xã hội
→ An increasing number of higher educated workers could have a good contribution to society in terms of economy.

Nguyễn Thị Trâm
Giáo viên Tiếng Anh – Trường Quốc tế Á Châu

SIU Review - số 137

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