Trang chủ»Giáo dục»Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

Giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề

How to narrow down a specific topic in writing

I. When to narrow a topic

        Most students will have to narrow down their topic at least a little.

II. Steps to narrow a topic

  1. First, start out with a general topic. Take the topic and break it down into categories by asking the five Ws and H.
    • Who?
      Ex: American Space Exploration
    • What?
      Ex: Manned Space Missions
    • Where?
      Ex:  Moon Exploration
    • When?
      Ex: Space exploration in the 1960s
    • Why?
      Ex: Quest to leave Earth
    • How?
      Ex: Rocket to the Moon: Space Exploration
  2. Then, consider the following question areas to generate specific ideas to narrow down your topic.
    • Problems faced? (Sustaining Life in Space: Problems with space exploration)
    • Problems overcome? (Effects of zero gravity on astronauts)
    • Motives? (Beating the Russians: Planning a moon mission)
    • Effects on a group? (Renewing faith in science: aftershock of the Moon mission)
    • Member group? (Designing a moon lander: NASA engineers behind Apollo 11)
    • Group affected? (From Test Pilots to Astronauts: the new heroes of the Air force)
    • Group benefited? (Corporations that made money from the American Space Program)
    • Group responsible for/ paid for… (The billion-dollar bill: taxpayer reaction to the cost of sending men to the moon)
  3. Finally, refine your ideas by considering the S.O.C.R.A.P.R. model.
    • S = Similarities (Similar issues to overcome between the 1969 moon mission and the planned 2009 Mars Mission)
    • O = Opposites (American pro and con opinions about the first mission to the moon)
    • C = Contrasts (Protest or patriotism: different opinions about cost vs. benefit of the moon mission)
    • R = Relationships (the NASA family: from the scientists on earth to the astronauts in the sky)
    • A = Anthropomorphisms [interpreting reality in terms of human values] (Space: the final frontier)
    • P = Personifications [giving objects or descriptions human qualities] (the eagle has landed:  animal symbols and metaphors in the space program)
    • R = Repetition (More missions to the moon: Pro and Con American attitudes to landing more astronauts on the moon) 

Source: http// › general-writing-tips › writing-process

Nguyễn Huy Xuân Thiên Ngân
Giáo viên Tiếng Anh – Trường Quốc tế Á Châu

SIU Review - số 138

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